Had a lovely mommy-daughter day with my lovely Miss Ashy at Color Me Mine.
Love taking my kids there for "special time." They are so proud of what they make.
She made a darling mug with polka dots and even named the little puppies
on her mug Coco & Cozzy. Then we had some yummy treats at Sweet Tooth Fairy.
I-man is turning 9 this week! Crazy! and we are crazy too! We got him a dirt bike...
We live by hills where there are a lot of places to ride,
so pretty much everyone in our neighborhood has Rhino's, 4-wheelers, and dirt bikes.
Most of his friends already ride dirt bikes, so he was ecstatic to get his bike...
Yes, it makes me nervous, and yes I'm not ready for him to grow up.
Our kids love, love, love to dress up, so this is a typical Saturday...
Waking up to wicked spiderman, princess batgirl, super Anican, and knight Aragon.
The names and outfits change, but they've always got something going on.
They are so stinkin' cute when they play like this. I love their imaginations!
Here are a few Instagram photos that my brother Shaun actually took last weekend...
I forgot to add these earlier and loved them, so thought they were worth sharing...
Happy Birthday I-Man!
Yea!!! It finally snowed... like really snowed. We had enough to sled, and sled they did.
I couldn't get the kids away from the snow. They played & played and sled & sled.
I love using Instagram to capture my kids. It's so fun to tweak my photos with old school finishes.
And last but for sure not least... this has been a LONG time coming!!!
Baby G, who is not so baby, but will always be my baby, is finally
POTTY TRAINED! Hurraaaayyy!