I was first taken with the work of Kara Mann when I saw the photo above.
But then I checked out her site and became inspired by her incredible designs.
Simple and striking. Anyone else enjoy Gossip Girl? Recognize the black bird wall art?
Love it!
Those windows above are absolutely amazing! The dark trim with the unique shape windows
add such a unique artistic value to the room. Along with the dark grout and white tile
to add more dark and white contrast.
And I adore the textured console with the bright pop of orange boxes.
Perfect way to add a graphic, unexpected element to mix up the structured wall.
Inspiring, no? All photos found at Kara Mann's site.
Hope everyone is having a lovely fall day.
I am freezing right now! We woke up to snow on mountains and it has been raining for days.
I'm just hoping that it hasn't knocked down all the beautiful leaves yet.
We were planning to go up in the mountains to see the fall colors this weekend.
Fingers crossed we didn't just skip fall and jump right into winter...