Feeling quite inspired today from a great weekend at Alt Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Alt Summit is a bloggers conference for those who are obsessed with
lifestyle, design, interiors, photography, & fashion to meet, learn, grow, and connect...
- all wrapped up with a social media bow-.
There were some amazing classes, speakers, workshops, parties, & of course people!
It was a big-overflowing bowl of inspiration + creativity where I experienced
a roller-coaster of feelings:
excitement, inspiration, overwhelmed, inadequate, rejuvenated, high-school-nervousness,
sad, happy, jealous, joy, humility, frustrated, courageous, small, creative, and then...
excited + inspired again...
all roller-coaster feelings aside, I walked away with a refreshed vision for my life
& for Modern Palm shop & blog.
Something many of us struggle with is balance... everyday I struggle to balance what I want,
what my kids need, what the house demands, and what life brings.
It was nice to go to a conference and get ideas to help in my ever-on-going search for
more BALANCE in my life.
I loved connecting with other bloggers, shop owners, and business owners.
There truly are some amazing, kind, and talented people that I was able to meet,
and I'm really grateful for and appreciate the opportunity I had to go to Alt Sumit.
One person that I especially loved meeting and learning from was Ben Silberman,
the owner and creator of Pinerest, that "little" site that we all love and adore.
Two years ago he attended Alt with the idea to start what is now Pinterest...
this year he was the Keynote speaker who received a standing ovation after his presentation!
Granted, he was in a large room full of people that are obsessed with his site and use it almost daily!
Not only is he responsible for a site that allows us to appreciate, collect & organize
all of the beautiful & creative photos of design, fashion, crafts, food, etc.,
turns out, he is also quite inspirational. I love that he said:
"Pinterest's goal is to get you offline and inspire you to do the things you love!"
he also said:
"Pinterest is a team of people who want to build something bigger than themselves."
Ben Silberman
If you need an invite to Pinterest, shoot me an email and I'll invite you...
if you're already on, let's be friends, if we're not already...
Follow me here.
Hope you all have a lovely + balanced day... I'm going to at least try. :)
I'm now going to attempt to get a workout in...
Thanks for stopping by and hope you come back again soon! Mwah!
images via Alt Summit